Request a 美国邮政总局 Refund: 国际
如果你从美国寄东西.S. to another country, you may be eligible for a postage or fee 退款 if any of the following apply:
- Delivery standards for applicable 特快专递 国际® or 特快专递 国际 with Money-Back Guarantee Service guarantees were not met.
- 没有提供全面十大网堵平台, or you were incorrectly charged return charges for undeliverable-as-addressed, 国际一级邮件®, First-Class Package 国际 Service®, and 国际优先邮件® 项目.
- 你被多收了钱.
Learn more about requesting an international 美国邮政总局® 退款. (To file a claim for insured mail that was lost, 损害d, or missing contents, see 提交美国邮政总局索赔:国际.)